Prayer Walks


Groups across our community will gather this month to pray for our local schools, law enforcement and first responders and government leaders. Join any of these locations or organize a prayer walk near you.

Gatherings on June 13 at 6 pm

Sartell City Hall
125 Pine Cone Rd, Sartell

St. Cloud City Hall
1201 7th St. S, St. Cloud

Pleasant View Elementary School
1009 6th Ave N, Sauk Rapids

Waite Park Pavillion
151 13th Ave N, Waite Park

Sauk Rapids Fire Department
408 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids

All Saints Academy
1215 11th Ave N, St. Cloud

Other June Prayer Walks

June 28 at 6 pm – Foley
Foley High School Flagpole
621 Penn St, Foley

If you have a prayer walk planned, tell us about it.

How It Works

These prayer walks are informal gatherings where individuals can gather in small groups to pray as they walk a certain area. Here’s a look at how they typically work:

  • Gather at designated location.
  • Divide larger group into groups of 2-4 people so no sound systems are needed.
  • Walk together around the location, use sample prayers as a guide or simply praying as the
    Spirit leads you.
  • Pray beyond the the specific location you are at, asking that God will impact all of our communities with revival for years to come.

We encourage you to pray as the Spirit moves you. Here are some sample prayers that you can use as a guide: Prayers for Schools, Government and First Responders